


The deity of Palani is known as Dandayudhapani Swami, the Lord having the Staff in his Hand. The deity at the sanctum sanctorum is made out of an amalgam of nine minerals popularly called Navapashanam. Some people say it is a combination of medicinal herbs. 

It consits of the following items :

  1. Veeram

  2. Pooram

  3. Rasam

  4. Jathilingam

  5. Kandagam

  6. Gauri Pasanam

  7. Vellai Pasanam

  8. Mridharsingh

  9. Silasat

The deity is in a standing position with a baton in his hand. He has the look of a person who has renounced all worldly pomp. He has just a loincloth besides the baton. He is a mute messenger of the great precept 'Renounce all to reach Me'. The icon is unique in the whole world. It was made by siddha Bhogar by combining nine poisonous substances (Navapashanam). Murugan signifies beauty and Lord Murugan of Kurinji land is the god of Beauty and Youth.
